New member
Howdy All! Busy week with family, with only one short hunt for just a few hours. Did find my first silver quarter with the E-trac though. Lots of trash where I hunted this time. There must have been at least three old home garbage dumps that I swung through. Lots of iffy signals, so I dug alot of old lids, the lock, and toy gun. The merc was very close to the wire jar dipper, and it gave off broken tones and jumpy readings. I swung it in all directions and almost passed on it because of all the junk I had already dug. I found the jar dipper about 4" down, pulled it out and thought the loop was what gave me the odd tones, so pinpointed the hole one last time. I got another hit on the side of the hole and dug about an inch over and down and found it. The quarter was only down about 3" and gave a good solid tone. Looks like it was hit with a small punch a few times and is dented all the way through it. I had always heard that ol' George had bad teeth, but if you look in the picture of the quarter, it does look like he has a toothache on one of those punch marks! Only a couple of wheats mixed in this time, and some clad. BSC