One of the local television stations down here in south Louisiana (Lafayette) actually aired a taped interview taken with a woman from the New Orleans area recently.
The TV news interviewer was a young woman from a Boston affiliate. After introducing the audience to her schpiel on the long-term effect of the storms on the area, she turned to the local lady waiting beside her and asked the interviewee about how "such total and complete devastation of the churches in the area" had affected their lives personally.
The woman replied, "I don' knows about all dose udder peoples, but we ain't gone to Church's in years. We gets our chicken from Popeye's."
The look on the interviewer's face was absolutely priceless!
NOTE to yall Yankees: Church's and Popeye's are to the South what White Castles and McDonald's are to the North.
[attachment 17026 churchs.gif]
[attachment 17027 popeyes-big.gif]
The TV news interviewer was a young woman from a Boston affiliate. After introducing the audience to her schpiel on the long-term effect of the storms on the area, she turned to the local lady waiting beside her and asked the interviewee about how "such total and complete devastation of the churches in the area" had affected their lives personally.
The woman replied, "I don' knows about all dose udder peoples, but we ain't gone to Church's in years. We gets our chicken from Popeye's."
The look on the interviewer's face was absolutely priceless!

NOTE to yall Yankees: Church's and Popeye's are to the South what White Castles and McDonald's are to the North.
[attachment 17026 churchs.gif]
[attachment 17027 popeyes-big.gif]