I've had my F75 for one week and find it to be hot AND not as jittery as so many have posted. It's been dry here and the ground is very hard, so I've only been clad hunting to get the feel of the unit. I like it alot. I've been using rechargeable batteries. Today, while I was hunting they went dead. I wish there was some signal the machine would give when they expire, like my X-70 did. Since I was hunting in silent mode, I went nearly fifty feet before I realized the machine wasn't responding. A minor grape. The F75 is a lot deeper than my X-70 was and I'm overall very pleased with it's performance. It did go deep in my test garden, so I am looking forward to hunting some older sites once we get some moisture in the ground.
keep on diggin'
jimmyk in Missouri
keep on diggin'
jimmyk in Missouri