When i was a kid the man from the bank would come to your school and give you a savings book and once a week or every other week he would come around and see if you wanted to deposit money it was grate and there was no tax on it at end of year.When i would go to the bank and take change or a dollar bill and say can i have sliver dollars they would and you these big sliver coins and they would be heavy in your pocket it was great.Not o long ago i herd there was a new series coin for Ohio so iw ent to the bank and ask and there give me the blah blah blah federal reserve blah you have to order blah so just out curiosity i said do you have sliver dollars so their wasn't a bunch of people there so all the teller look at me as though they found out iam from outer space ,they say what do you mean i said you know sliver dollars like when i was a kid big round coin sliver dollar, blah blah blah are you kidding no you would have to go to fed reserve even then i don't think you can get them i think you have to order them and there cost more than a dollar.the tellers were all people in there 20,s.But they really did not understand when i said a sliver dollar and explained we use to get them when i was a kid and they cost a dollar,so now iam just the old guy with old guy dreams of how it use to be .So i need to find some of these burried when i hunt so i can put a old dream in my pocket and take it with me where ever i go.