New member
It was just getting light when I began swinging my detector. I was hunting a construction sight that I had done so well at yesterday. I wanted to beat the construction crew to the sight before they began their work , but I was disappointed to see how much soil had been removed since yesterday. Even the piles of dirt that had been there yesterday were gone. But there still was an area to hunt. I had been hunting for about an hour, when I finally got a good signal. It indicated a VDI# 90-92, 50 cent at 2". The soil was loose and I just moved it with my hand and out comes this shiny coin. It was a coin that I was not familiar with. It was a well worn 1910 silver Canadian half dollar. When I first got the signal I was hoping it would be a Barber half, like my hunting partner found near here last week, but no such luck. I am very happy with the Canadian coin non the less. Before leaving I contacted the construction foreman and ask where all the soil had been taken. He gave me directions and said I was was welcome to go there and hunt. I think I will give it a try tomorrow. HH Dennis in Idaho