Didn't really feel up to hunting today, but at one spot I stopped at last week to ask permission, the owner told me to come back this weekend and I could. Well it rained yesterday, and I didn't want to miss the chance to get my foot in the door.
I thought I'd located an old school on this property (at least on the maps), but I believe the county road had been shifted over the years. I hunted in All Metal mode to search for iron nails or other items that would confirm I was in the right spot.....didn't happen.
However, the land owner sent me across the street to where he told me a couple of old houses once sat (1800's). Downside was it was overgrown and wooded so there was only a very small portion that was "doable". Just so happened that as soon as I stepped into a spot (like 5X10) in the woods, I got a strong dime signal (which isn't uncommon for the Aces because they love aluminum, and cans generally ring as a dime or bounce between dime/penny). I pinpointed and locked my eyes on the spot.....and there laid a 1936 Merc......didn't even have to dig
Was the only find, but I'm hoping to return in hopes some of the undergrowth thins-out.
I thought I'd located an old school on this property (at least on the maps), but I believe the county road had been shifted over the years. I hunted in All Metal mode to search for iron nails or other items that would confirm I was in the right spot.....didn't happen.
However, the land owner sent me across the street to where he told me a couple of old houses once sat (1800's). Downside was it was overgrown and wooded so there was only a very small portion that was "doable". Just so happened that as soon as I stepped into a spot (like 5X10) in the woods, I got a strong dime signal (which isn't uncommon for the Aces because they love aluminum, and cans generally ring as a dime or bounce between dime/penny). I pinpointed and locked my eyes on the spot.....and there laid a 1936 Merc......didn't even have to dig

Was the only find, but I'm hoping to return in hopes some of the undergrowth thins-out.