Hunted along/in one of Alberta's rivers today. We literally got stoned with many of the finds. The rock pics come first, because they were eyeballed. That's what happens when you metal detect and focus whats lying on top of the ground while listening to the audio at the same time. Here is a collection of petrified wood we found......
My buddy eye-balled this beauty! My first opal that I have ever seen here in Alberta. Nice rock, eh!
How's this for a cheap lump of coal......I found a large piece with some markings on it. I split it several times, and kept this piece. You can see the vegetation compressed in it. I guess this piece just isn't ready yet for burning.
Here is the beginning of the relic finds from today. That truck was actually found a week ago, I just forgot to post it. Everything else was from today. bullets button
Here's are some more interesting finds. Kind of an interesting button I found in the creek.
Below is a funny find.......a small milk glass container with MUM stamped on the bottom. Ha!'s a cream for ladies with bad odor. There are several magazine ads for this product too funny!
Hunted along/in one of Alberta's rivers today. We literally got stoned with many of the finds. The rock pics come first, because they were eyeballed. That's what happens when you metal detect and focus whats lying on top of the ground while listening to the audio at the same time. Here is a collection of petrified wood we found......
My buddy eye-balled this beauty! My first opal that I have ever seen here in Alberta. Nice rock, eh!
How's this for a cheap lump of coal......I found a large piece with some markings on it. I split it several times, and kept this piece. You can see the vegetation compressed in it. I guess this piece just isn't ready yet for burning.
Here is the beginning of the relic finds from today. That truck was actually found a week ago, I just forgot to post it. Everything else was from today. bullets button
Here's are some more interesting finds. Kind of an interesting button I found in the creek.
Below is a funny find.......a small milk glass container with MUM stamped on the bottom. Ha!'s a cream for ladies with bad odor. There are several magazine ads for this product too funny!