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Not much action, just the usual, tabs, tent pegs, etc. Looking up I see's Old Farley coming East. Farley is one tough hunter, but I think he might have been in the sun too long. "What's up"? He says that he dug a gold ring this morning. "Lets take a look" Well it had initials in it, so I turned it into the office. "What office?? I found it in front of the Boing a Vista. Guys initials were IOK ! So I'm looking at him thinking he's got to be playing me. IOK ! You think maybe ten karat Gold? You better go get that ring back !
Couple days later, we pass again. You get that ring back? Ah, someone already claimed it. But I did find another ring that Tungsten guy been losing. It never ends!
Couple days later, we pass again. You get that ring back? Ah, someone already claimed it. But I did find another ring that Tungsten guy been losing. It never ends!