Got lucky this week. Three days ago with permission searching a friends home, found this 1833 large cent, practically right on the surface. Across his property runs the corner of an old road (asphalt and all) , redesigned by the county, to put in a stop sign about 30 years ago. I was hunting on the "old" shoulder. Honestly I was hoping for some Mercuries, or Roosie's. It is a historic area. I think the cent was probably kicked up by the highway dept. So yesterday in a park an hour a way, a md bud and i get no old coins- he gets a silver ring. On the edge of the park where the dirt was probably 8 inches lower, and older i thought, I find what I thought was a washer (vid about 82) about 8 inches deep. Going to put it in my pocket, I see some lettering. A little spit later I see it definitely says United States of America. I flip it over and with a little work I see 1851. So I had my coin book in the car and I said hey if I find some stars along that top edge its a large cent- and sure enough. Did they ever use them for washers?, or do think it was someone just seeing if they could do it in their shop? An adjustment for inflation (ha)? If you will note the whole is slightly off center. Thanks for looking CO