most tesoros have the ability to express themselves so you can tell the difference. of course its not a 100% you also have the crackle, pop. double beep. i'll stop there and explain. when it crackles most of the time it is an conductor that is close to your discrimination setting. that along can tell you with certain probably what it is. the pop with the tesoro is usually iron, even though you have the discriminator set past this point it will pop anyway. the double beep, now I'm talking with a DD coil. if the object is on edge like a coin, or ring, then you will get a double beep. i said with a DD coil because thats seems to be more pronounced. also a double beep can be generated if the coil is to close to the item, causing an overload. and of course these thing can happen together and any sequence. then to add more you have the short beep, long beep, smoothness of the beep, loudness of the response, quite response. all of these things can happen in any sequence and each thing is telling you something. it takes allot of practice and good head phones to be able to put all of this information to use. now i know the golden has tones, and i believe doesn't have that ability to be so expressive, but is allot quieter to hunt with. allot of people don't like tesoro's because they can be noisy.