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Friday gave us a break in the cold and rainy weather with temperatures in the 60’s but extremely windy. We went out to a couple of fields that have given up some amazing things to us this season and hopefully had a bit more to give. The first field seemed to be in a parsimonious mood as not much was found, I found three horseshoes and some odd bits of copper and Doug and Diane were not doing any better until Doug spotted a 1828 Large Cent on top of the ground! It is always amazing to find such items that way. We moved to a nearby site that also been very good to us and I was hoping my Deus would help pull another keeper from here. This as the other field is contains much iron and has been covered by us back and forth and criss and cross trying to scare up a good repeatable signal. The reason I got my Deus was to see if it with its amazing recovery time could find a target in the iron. I was amply rewarded today. I dug a couple of copper bits and I got a signal registering 61 bounce to 65 as I turned on the angle…not the greatest signal but good enough to make one want to see what it was. I was amazed when at about 4 inches deep and a bit on edge I saw a tiny round edge! I retrieved it not sure if it was a coin or a washer or what. When I got it in the light I could see the rim and I knew I had a coin…it was so black I at first could not tell if it was silver but observing it closer I could tell it was so! I called Doug over and he was excited too, I knew from the size it would be a half dime and after I sprayed it with some water and tapped at it a bit I could see the image appear…a Capped Bust Half Dime! I could tell it would have good detail and a date…only my second Capped Bust coin ever! The 1832 Capped Bust Half Dime has a mintage of only 965,000 and is the second lowest mintage in the series. About 10 minutes later I got a decent 81-83 signal and out came a very nice 1833 Large Cent! I am just starting to learn the Deus but I have high hopes that it will make some of our other permissions come back to life. I was using a program given to me by Todd CtTodd Yerks and with his help and tips I think I am going to like this machine!
Warning Much Wind Noise In the Video
Warning Much Wind Noise In the Video