Hey, Bud, how's it goin' BUD?? Just kidding there, but as to your question on the map thing. I went online, and looked up a local group here in San Diego, called the Historical Society. They have a B U N C H of old, old pictures, that show the way things were many, many years ago. I'd also ask some of the Old Timers, in your area, where the places like circuses, carnivals, gambiling, race tracks, anywhere where people might have lost money were in the "good old days". You'd be amazed at the information you can gleen from these guys. They're usually pretty open about talking about the good old days, or in our interest "the good old, places". Take care, Bud, and happy hunting.. Marc. I can only imagine that it might be really tough to find any of the old maps, of an area, and even if you do, how much info can you get from an old local city map. They may have some sites posted on them, but I think your gonna find more info going to specific places like the buss company, and asking them if they have any info on their old buss routes, or again the Historical society, or old local museums, where you might see actual pictures of the old ammusment parks or carnivals of the past.