I have been a Tesoro/Laser user for many years now, at present i still use my trusty Laser B3 Powermax' a detector i would never part with due to it's finds rate and for it's age still a good detector. 2 years ago i brought a XP Goldmaxx Power detector and found it worked lesser than my B3, for one the depth from the GMP was poor and so called bad targets were indeed good ones so i sold it, few friends of mine have them and now like i did they have started to question this machine and its performance.I would say to anyone that is thinking in getting one, please don't as you would be wasting money on a machine that is a poor second to any Tesoro/Laser.. Nigel at Regton will sell you this machine as the best thing going, the only best thing is him filling his pocket with your money and lies.