Homestead located on piece of land we own back in the woods that I've hunted over and over. In the past I've found WPA tags, three 1930-something wheats which pretty much dates the place. I usually search the house footprint but today was hunting further out, testing out my new Deus. Happened to find these things, not because of the detector, because I'm no good with it yet. One thing is a trap. The other might be handle to a canner. The tool tag...I don't know. Googled HCC co, and didn't find any info. Probably something to do with the WPA tags I found in the past. There is remains of an outhouse on the property. Just concrete footers. The WPA program built outhouses for people. I dug the outhouse out once just for curiosity. Newspapers, then a layer of lime. Lots of tomato seeds. Funny thing you could still read some of the newsprint after eighty-some years. Also, tomato seeds. I planted some of them just to see, but no, they did not sprout.
Also found a large 12 inch spike in the ground going straight down. Like a railroad spike, but longer and round and pointed and about the width of a quarter on top. It was lined up with what seems to be some foundation rocks, so I pulled it out but then put it back because it could have something to do with the boundaries.
I'm hoping there's a buffalo nickel there someplace, maybe another day.
Also found a large 12 inch spike in the ground going straight down. Like a railroad spike, but longer and round and pointed and about the width of a quarter on top. It was lined up with what seems to be some foundation rocks, so I pulled it out but then put it back because it could have something to do with the boundaries.
I'm hoping there's a buffalo nickel there someplace, maybe another day.