On the large property that I can search has 8 homesites marked on an old topo map. The primary site is known to me, where I found a copper spoon. So with the topo map and compass it was easy to locate all the other sites from the known point by pacing off the distance on the proper bearing from the known site.
Yesterday I located all sites. The terrain around here is woods and a series of small hills and gullies leading down to the river. The second home site was a flat area (in an area that sloped down to a stream) devoid of large old trees so I was pretty certain of the location. However I searched it for about 30 minutes to test it and got no signals at all, not even metal. Now I am wondering if it was really a home site. When you find absolutely nothing at a suspected home site in the woods after 30 minutes do you write it off? Or do you go back and search it more methodical?
The primary home site has yielded up the copper spoon, and several plow or cultivator pieces of steel.
After that on the way home I stopped by an old bridge site on the river (bridge is not there now, but the old road leading to the bridge is there). They were small roads back then, probably 12 - 14 feet wide. On bank above the road going to the river found a 1946 D wheat. So that at least tells me that site has potential. Also found many, many hits of old rubber foils. Must have been a popular place for kids getting away on their own, plus lots of old fashioned beer cans that were opened with the church key. Soil was sandy being so near the river so easy digging.
Also found a small tinned meat can and some more modern beer cans that come in as a solid +28 to +34 so I expected to find a coin. What is it with these that provides such a good coin signal? No there were no coins in the cans I checked for that.
Yesterday I located all sites. The terrain around here is woods and a series of small hills and gullies leading down to the river. The second home site was a flat area (in an area that sloped down to a stream) devoid of large old trees so I was pretty certain of the location. However I searched it for about 30 minutes to test it and got no signals at all, not even metal. Now I am wondering if it was really a home site. When you find absolutely nothing at a suspected home site in the woods after 30 minutes do you write it off? Or do you go back and search it more methodical?
The primary home site has yielded up the copper spoon, and several plow or cultivator pieces of steel.
After that on the way home I stopped by an old bridge site on the river (bridge is not there now, but the old road leading to the bridge is there). They were small roads back then, probably 12 - 14 feet wide. On bank above the road going to the river found a 1946 D wheat. So that at least tells me that site has potential. Also found many, many hits of old rubber foils. Must have been a popular place for kids getting away on their own, plus lots of old fashioned beer cans that were opened with the church key. Soil was sandy being so near the river so easy digging.
Also found a small tinned meat can and some more modern beer cans that come in as a solid +28 to +34 so I expected to find a coin. What is it with these that provides such a good coin signal? No there were no coins in the cans I checked for that.