Fred, I am involved with the USLM, United States Lightship Museum / LV-112. The Nantucket Lightship berthed in East Boston. Our President, Bob Mannino is constantly applying for Grants. Receiving Grants for most historical vessels is tough. Most funding comes from private organizations or individuals.
There are dozens of Museums, and non- profit organizations trying to preserve historic vessels across the Nation. Most are in dire straits.
Our vessel, is a floating, hands on Museum. Visitors are always amazed to learn of its purpose. Quite a few show interest, and say they would like to volunteer to help paint or just clean. Rarely do any actually become active.
Whether an older vessel is privately owned or by a non-profit, funding is difficult. There are a few historic vessels that are in decent shape, but need a lot of money annually just to maintain at a dock. A few to mention, the Barnegat Lightship in Maryland, the Alabama (Battleship) in Mobile, Battleship Park in Massachusetts etc, are somewhat selve sustaining, but always looking for donations.
The USS Constitution is one historical vessel that is always being maintained, better than most. It is still a commissioned U.S. Naval Vessel, and crewed by active Naval Personnel.
It is most discouraging for most any type of museum to get volunteers . Most who do, are in their Fifties and up. Very rarely are there younger volunteers.