I have drove past this old fairgrounds for years and wandering who was the owner since the state sold it. Stopped by a homeowners house and was told the owner lived in Las Vegas. He told me he has taken care of the grounds for the owner for many years. We asked him about detecting it and he said no problem, just don't leave any holes. He was having some problems with his car, so my buddy and I gave him a hand for a few minutes. We then got to detecting. The grounds was a little flooded so it was not productive. When we started back to my truck we were stopped by a woman that told us where the parking area was and also where the carnivals were held. Glad she came out. Here are my finds from the parking area. Have to go back soon.
Sorry HEBEGB forgot to show you the 1919 Merc.
Sorry HEBEGB forgot to show you the 1919 Merc.