Coinseeker 78
New member
Today was another day at the old fairgrounds. My buddy and I have hunted the place for 3 years. It is not a large fairground but dates back to the 1800s. We have been unable to find any silver for over a year but still find Indian heads, Shield nickles and V nickles amonst the trash and nails as well as pull tabs. We have been searching slow and deep trying to unmask coins in the trash. we have reached the point where a couple of finds each in a day is considered a good day. My hunting buddy uses an Minelab SE Pro and I use a Garrett AT Pro and Fisher F 70 with the 5 inch coil. Today my buddy found a few buttons a broach and an indian head penny, I found an 1882 V Nickle and a button. I believe we need to move on now I did find a rare one year mint of an indian head and a shield 2 cent piece among my better finds. Also some seated dimes and quarters I have a happy feeling about this place and the memories it has provided. But on the other hand I am sad about moving on. Thanks for reading this report. I will be hunting an old settlement on the 6th of October. The owner says it has been. in the family for generations and never hunted. I will report on my success as soon as I get through hunting the first day. Happy Hunting.