Hi All
This is my first post here as I am found most times on the Beach site , but I enjoy relic hunting when ever I can get the chance .
I managed to get up to some old camps and ghost towns that have been deserted since the late 1800 these are some of the relic's and coins I picked up .
Some of the coins dated back 400 years but most are around 200 years old .
The camps are from the gold and tin rush era in Nth Queensland Australia .
Regards Bob Downunder
This is my first post here as I am found most times on the Beach site , but I enjoy relic hunting when ever I can get the chance .
I managed to get up to some old camps and ghost towns that have been deserted since the late 1800 these are some of the relic's and coins I picked up .
Some of the coins dated back 400 years but most are around 200 years old .
The camps are from the gold and tin rush era in Nth Queensland Australia .
Regards Bob Downunder