Lawrence in Alabama
New member
post about it. As many of you know we have nicknamed James "The Silver Magnet". What he failed to mention in his post earlier this week was what happened to him during a period of about 10 minutes. We were both detecting on a hillside in the woods and he called me over because he thought he was about to dig up a silver coin. I walked over and sure enough he dug a 1935 Merc. I took his picture and then started walking away to continue hunting, and he said "Hey there's another one in this hole. I walked back to him, and sure enough he had a second Merc from the same hole. He checked the hole again, but there were no more signals in it. I walked away to try to find my silver. About 30 seconds after I started hunting again, James said I think I've found another silva!! I walk over and sure enough another Merc. He checked the hole again and he got another silver reading!!
So that was 2 holes 3 or 3 1/2 feet apart and 2 silver coins in each. We both went back to hunting and about 5 minutes later James got another good signal, this time it was a wheatie! You guessed it, he checked the hole again and there was a second wheatie!! Absolutely amazing 3 holes each with double targets in less than ten minutes!!! James, you ARE the Man!!