Couple of months ago I bought a Pioneer 101 (Tracker IV) in a pawn shop for $40. Hadn't used a detector in over 25 years, but had a little experience. Had a ball on my outings although I only found some clad, a few lead fishing wts & a Bic lighter. (Still worked). Then a few weeks ago, got lucky on ebay & picked up a Discovery 2200 for $65, shipping included. LOVE this machine. It seems to be a beast, finding clad dimes @ 7-9 inches and old pull tabs @ 6". True measures, not indicated. My question is: Why do I not see more posts about the Discovery 1100 - 3300 series of BH detectors? Are they not popular or do most hunters prefer the traditional BH machines? Having owned and used both recently, I like both but would probably take the Discovery series if I had to make a choice.