I got out between rains today for a couple hours with the new 5.3 coil mounted. You have to remember Ive been using the 8 inch to date. I had no problems ground balancing and the signal could be run at the 3:00 position. I have to mention the site I hunted. Its on the Ouachita River that runs thru our town. It was at a location of an old rodeo arena and later used as a riding club (horses). This was all torn down back in the late 70s. This area also was the docking area for the cities old river boat and numerous house boats. Our city is protected by a levy system and flood walls. This area is behind this protection and floods easily. Very sandy,loamy soil. Ok, I started hunting along the upper edge of the river bank along the area of the old arena. There was always dirt work going on in this area to repair the arena from winter floods. I attempted digging pull tab signals to get an idea of where they would fall in depth, however, with all the dirt work that happened over the years, I dug em at 8 inches,so. I hunted in GEB Disc at the nail rejection. I found older pennies at 4 to 8 inches. I thought that was very good and Im very happy with the pro and 6 inch coil. I didnt dig everything, because of the tabs at different depths, if the signal broke up and didnt register above 50 on the TID, I left it alone,knowing it could be something of value or a tab. I had to do this, I was in a hurry knowing it could rain again at any time.
I accepted hot rocks and let the machine track the ground. I dug one false hole, never found any rust, got down to 9 inches and no signal anymore.
I didnt have time to use the 8 inch coil at this site and I will go back and use it as it isnt all that trashy. However I do think something is wrong with that coil.
This site I hunted has a bit of history as the Spanish and French trappers were all up and down our river. There are numerous large bayous and streams that feed it. There have been several Spainish coins found by people doing construction work up and down the river in our area, no big number but a few. I will return to that old arena with my new found friend,Mr XL Pro.
Merry Christmas,
I accepted hot rocks and let the machine track the ground. I dug one false hole, never found any rust, got down to 9 inches and no signal anymore.
I didnt have time to use the 8 inch coil at this site and I will go back and use it as it isnt all that trashy. However I do think something is wrong with that coil.
This site I hunted has a bit of history as the Spanish and French trappers were all up and down our river. There are numerous large bayous and streams that feed it. There have been several Spainish coins found by people doing construction work up and down the river in our area, no big number but a few. I will return to that old arena with my new found friend,Mr XL Pro.
Merry Christmas,