...hopped on the scale at the gym today...
I am now at261 LBS...10 more than before havin my hoof in a cast;and before Christmas...Im back walkin every day;and tryin to convince my wife to cut back on makin what I love...havin it here starin me in the face;ya just GOTTA have some,ya know???
On another note:I was making my way back home from the store a little while ago-I was behind a school-bus that dropped off a bunch of kids..There was one teen-ager;walkin down the MIDDLE of the road-TOTALLY oblivious to what was coming up behind him-Namely,ME in my truck...I honked a couple of times;no response,I thought he was deaf...Thats when somebody in the group yelled at him;and he looked behind him;and seen me...THEN I seen he had ear-phones in;and was listening to whatever in his own little world...If I had been drunk and driving;or somebody else had been;and going thru there;and not reacted accordingly...
PLEASE-To all the parents out there:make sure if your kids use them ipods ar whatever they are;THEY STAY AWARE OF THEIR SURROUNDINGS!!!