..my neighbor-the one with the van that keeps pukin cause of the cold-called me this morning-Asked me how I was-I said"not too good-think I got bronchitis from being out in THE COLD AIR TOO MUCH...He says,"well;the cleaning lady is over here right now;and we need to get my van started;so she can drive it around"...

SO; I told him I will be right over in a couple of minutes...Then he says maybe you should plan on driving it around this weekend too,to charge it up for me..To tell ya the truth;I DID volunteer to do just that...THIS WEEKEND...Ya all know what?My Christian Charity is wearing a little thin right now-When it comes to my welfare;this man DOES NOT CARE if I am sick or not-whatever he needs is all thats important to him-It seems that most of the people I am called to help are sometimes blind-and deaf-to my needs.And right now;let me tell ya-I am REALLY sick and tired of being ignored by others when I am sick.This has nothing to do with who is or is not a christian;either-its one person having consideration for another.