...What are your favorite memories of Christmas??I bet we can all relate some that stir many fond memories...When I waas young;my parents made a BIG deal out of it...My father would be up at 4 in the morning;running thru the house,yelling"EVERYBODY UP!!SANTA HAS BEEN HERE-AND WOW!!
LOOK AT ALL THEM GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY!!"Afterward,my aunt and uncle and our cousins would arrive for dinner-we would gather around the table;and eat and spend time together;as families should do...After my Dad died;things werent the same ...but;I have many memories from that time that are priceless-We still had out family get-togethers at our house;or one of my 3 married sisters houses...watching my neices and nephews tear into those presents;their eyes lighting up...and OH;those Christmas dinners..
more food than Carter's army could eat...Togetherness as a family-The warm house,all them good smells and sounds...Now;all my 3 sisters are scattered to the wind;but still celebrate Christmas with their respective families separately...I have been going with my wife to my in-law's for Christmas since I met her...They make it a point to ask me to say the Blessing before we eat on Thanksgiving;and Christmas...also;Christmas Eve Service with my wife and in-laws is a given-Always has been,always will be.In my opinion;the Carols;the gift giving,and the meals are nice-but;JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON-Celebrating the SEASON with FAMILY is the best...