I was using The Explorer charged up the Batteries last night rained out today and then went for a little night hunt under the lights at a City Park,I am using these new settings and in first few swings a nickel on top of a 1952 Rosie,I got lucky because I was running Ferrous tone and it was left and low holding but I was thinking it was Silver being masked because it locked towards the bottom.Yeah for me another silver four for the year.But I am not to excited about that now I was when I found it but I stumbled onto something here just maybe.I was running the unit and it ran like I never had it run befor like when I first got it,but as I was running it here it goes the battery started to drain a little I was running the light on and then a little more it was going down I started getting the bounce bounce all kinds of signals and it just wasn't running smooth anymore.I am thinking dang this you know what.I wen t back to the same area I just hunted when it was smooth operating and it was doing all kinds of readings,Now I am thinking what the heck gives here.I am by know means stupid I can only give you my post and inputs by what I have been using but I am betting my bottom dollar that this dang unit has a bad battery pack and doesn't put out the right amount of what ever volts ohms this is where the TECH HEADS come in to play.I didnot have my Battery pack with me the spare so I will try it tomorrow on my big hunt and bring my back up for it.If this thing isn't getting enough juice will it start acting goofy is my Big Question.