Our strategy we are going for an invite or a possible metal detector sale.Your introduction must be interesting and have the owner believe he or she has something to gain. The plan involves a possible detector sale with an option for the homeowner to demo the detector before they buy. The tools you need two metal detectors your tried and proved unit and a decent backup example a simple Compadra or 1236x-2 for the homeowner to use and possible sale.Also two sets of digging tools.Have your sale price in mind for a possible profit with the backup detector.Have your sales pitch ready for the potential great finds at the old homestead.By the way dress and play the part of a salesman.You make your pitch and the homeowner is interested.The deal the homeowner gets to demo the metal detector before a purchase is made.This demo allows you to help retrieve and cross check targets with your detector,but if any good finds are made be prepared for a sale of your backup.At this point you could ask to search a small section to help cover some ground.Anyway this gets you in the yard with a search and it could progress. Good Luck Ron