But it is a mischievous, ornery, lives on my shoulder Quaker parrot. I am glad he is potty trained. He has me trained as well. He talks, whistles and sings. He says most parrot things plus "good morning" and "praise the lord" till he drives you crazy. I raised him from a featherless chick. That way he never picked up a bunch of bad Quaker habits. In the wild they make a bunch of racket and they are taking over Florida. In a lot of states it is illegal to own a Quaker. There is a large population of them in Chicago and they haven't been able to get rid of them. He cost me $50 and I figured if I accidentally killed him, no great loss. They aren't fussy about anything and I don't think you can kill them. They live for 35 years and can have 3 hatching's a year. There favorite food in the north is dandelions.