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Well, if I just used the money I found to pay for the next's gonna be awhile! LOL! However, I had a good 2 hour hunt! I got up early this morning to return some equipment by 7:30. Had I know the hours had changed to being closed on Sundays I'd have been out at the new honey-hole by sunup! Dang. Oh well, I got the usual clad plus a 1929 Wheat that is in good shape. I can't tell exactly but it looks like the mint might be B. I still don't know anything about coin values, but if I keep digging up old stuff in these tot lots I guess I better study! It started getting crowded and I was getting an audience every time I bent down to dig.. Most of the time the coins are pretty shallow and I can move the mulch with my foot. But when I looked up from digging several excavations in one area there were three people watching me! Guess they thought I was hard up for money...
Looks like my hunts will be limited to tot lots for awhile. My mom just found out she has cancer and we don't know how bad it is yet. I'm the only family member that can take her to appointments, etc., as well as go to the store when she feels too bad to get out. But there are tot lots and old houses near her! So much ground, such a small coil..
Looks like my hunts will be limited to tot lots for awhile. My mom just found out she has cancer and we don't know how bad it is yet. I'm the only family member that can take her to appointments, etc., as well as go to the store when she feels too bad to get out. But there are tot lots and old houses near her! So much ground, such a small coil..