Anyone else having problems with their numeric display. The display is very very slow to change. I'm hunting a high trash area, with a lot of nails that sound the same as a coin. I might have 5 or 6 targets in a 1 foot square area. I can't tell what's under the coil. (Please don't tell me dig everything) I'm using the stock coin discrimination. I've tried screen timeout - on and off. If I have the FE CO(no numbers) showing on the screen and I swing over a target the FE CO just stays there until I hit the next target then the numbers for the first target show up. So the display is always one target behind. Or it might take 30 seconds to change. I tried doing a Master Reset and that seems to help for a little bit, but it keeps getting worse until it's almost unusable. I'm making good finds with the E-Trac that I wouldn't be making with any other detector. So It's working OK, but it's really hard to figure out what's under the coil.