Keith Southern
Active member
A buddy of mine called earlier and said to check out the fisher forum at the new fisher. looks to me alot lieke a T2 hidding under that blanket obviously the battery pack is teknetics as is i can see a pistol grip but the box looks alittle bigger. coil seems to have the same teknetics shape also.Maybe fisher is fixing to move ahead of the game.I hope they are on the same frequency so we can see some smaller coils for hunting dense brush.First Texas Probably used the T2 as a testing ground for the fisher lineup I quess I dont know.Just pure speculation but i would surely think only having fisher for a few months and already having a detector on the way its teknetics technolgy with some more bells and whistles for the coin hunter in mine.I.E.(NOTCHING,BACKLIGHT,AUTO GROUND TRACKING) thing's that sell detectors but dont make them run more powerful or deeper or better but do sell detectors. any way i dont know either way actually whats going on just complete speculation and quessing but it will be interesting to see what keeps evolving from this technology.
Keith Southern
Keith Southern