I felt bad I was kinda snippy below about the Edge seeming to only do 1 notch at a time. I really should have tested this closer, but I'm not a big notch person doing very few "modern" sites. But, I wanted to make a post before folks take the EDge way of notching as a "deal breaker". Or rumors spread only 1 at a time is the only possibility. So, here's a better EDGEucation on notches, if you will
Remember that the Coinstrike MUST allow use of more than 1 notch at a time because there's no way to dial up the disc on a C$ like the Excel/EDGE way. BUT, as I said before, I think the EDGE offers alot of notch possibilites...not just through the notches themselves (like tab/foil) but by ALSO combining disc AND the presets. For example, though it may appear the EDGE only cancels 1 at a time...no the disc still works too. Tonight I put the disc on +6. This cancels FOIL. I took a ball of foil out to be sure. Then I pushed NOTCH pad & went to 1c (Zincs). A square on rt side showed it was set to cancel my choosen 1C. But, it still eliminated the foil too w. disc still on +6. So disc/notch work together....just what I hoped for. So, that's 1 way to knock out 2 trash items at once. Another way would be use of a preset like OC. OC remember deletes pesky foil & tabs too (or notches 2 items). Again, simply dialing disc up as high as you choose will delete all trash, and that can also be achieved with NC (new coin) preset too. So there is room to "Play" I think with notching (& there may be other tricks to use too). So, I'm not just trying to be the Edge apologist here Now I'm glad we checked into this, & only wish I'd learned this earlier so I could have put it in the field test. Bear with me....I'm still learning it on the fly too HH, Bill
Remember that the Coinstrike MUST allow use of more than 1 notch at a time because there's no way to dial up the disc on a C$ like the Excel/EDGE way. BUT, as I said before, I think the EDGE offers alot of notch possibilites...not just through the notches themselves (like tab/foil) but by ALSO combining disc AND the presets. For example, though it may appear the EDGE only cancels 1 at a time...no the disc still works too. Tonight I put the disc on +6. This cancels FOIL. I took a ball of foil out to be sure. Then I pushed NOTCH pad & went to 1c (Zincs). A square on rt side showed it was set to cancel my choosen 1C. But, it still eliminated the foil too w. disc still on +6. So disc/notch work together....just what I hoped for. So, that's 1 way to knock out 2 trash items at once. Another way would be use of a preset like OC. OC remember deletes pesky foil & tabs too (or notches 2 items). Again, simply dialing disc up as high as you choose will delete all trash, and that can also be achieved with NC (new coin) preset too. So there is room to "Play" I think with notching (& there may be other tricks to use too). So, I'm not just trying to be the Edge apologist here Now I'm glad we checked into this, & only wish I'd learned this earlier so I could have put it in the field test. Bear with me....I'm still learning it on the fly too HH, Bill