Hi Waltship:
Let me try to explain this as simple as I know how...the difference between DISCrimination and NOTCH filtering...
Think of DISCrimination just like people do...you do not like or want to detect one or maybe 2 different items, so you drop that item on the ground and you swing your coil over it and turn up your DISC (in disc mode) until you no longer hear that item...Now all items below that item are going to be DISCriminated out also...So if you DISC a Zinc penny, you also going to not hear Iron/Foil, Nickels, Pull Tabs, Screw Caps, GOLD, and Zinc...
Now think of Notch as a piece of plywood that is just so wide....as you turn up your NOTCH (in notch mode), you move that plywood over targets and block them as you go, only those items under the plywood are blocked...so if you drop a pull tab, and notch it out, you will still pick up everything above and below it on the scale such as Iron/Foil, Nickels, Screw Caps, Zinc, Copper, and all your clad and Silver...
So, DISC is like the Sun's shadow over the earth, and Notch is like the area the chains cover on a football field....I hope this helps...