F-75 Notch
Range............ #1 to # 65
Important..............ALL notch range settings have a set of fixed numbers. This is critical you understand the range for Low side and high side of targets.
1 to 7 is low side of iron ( 7 fixed settings)
8 to 15 is High side of iron ( 7 fixed settings)
16 to 20 Low side of foil ( 5 fixed settings)
21 to 25 High side of foil ( 5 fixed settings)
26 to 30 Low side of nickles (5 fixed settings)
31 to 35 High side of nickles (5 fixed settings)
36 to 45 low side of tabs (10 fixed settings)
46 to 55 High side of tabs (10 fixed settings)
56 to 60 Low side of zinc pennies (5 fixed settings)
61 to 65 High side of zinc pennies( 5 fixed settings)
If you choose to set notch on any number above 1 through 65, [size=medium]Low,[/size] or [size=medium]High[/size] side of notch fixed settings ( does not matter which you use) only the fixed setting range for the set of numbers fixed by the factory will be affected. 1/2 of the value for the target range will be effected.Either the high or the low side.
[size=medium]Example: your running Discrimination at 50[/size].............you decide you want to maybe find some small gold rings. Go to notch and press menu. Turn knob to the number 16, 17, 18, 19, or 20.. press menu. You just notched in the low side of foil.. Fixed by the factory # 16-17-18-19-and 20....( See above range) You just changed all 5 numbers to accept by using notch You will now get beeps on the lower half of foil targets... Notch is always just the opposite of Discrimination. You will now see a small dash on the top target range foil up above on display.To take the foil out again go to notch, press menu, turn knob to 16 and push menu. Notch is now gone. dash is removed from foil above.
[size=medium]Lower setting discrimination 23 example[/size]
Now say your discrimination is set at 23..you want to set notch at high foil side..go to notch, press menu, turn knob..set numbers to 21 with knob..Press menu.
You just notched in 21 22 23. [size=medium]24 and 25 is notched out[/size]. Why you ask..Simple notch is always just the opposite of discrimination..Your discrimination was set at 23... so 21 , 22, 23, was notched in......[size=medium]24, 25, was notched out[/size]. Remember the fixed set of notch numbers are always used..these were set by the factory...so all the fixed numbers were used.
It's really a nice system. It allows you to get rid of pesky pull tabs but still get some good targets too.
Remember the range numbers are set at fixed numbers in notch if you are running Discrimination in the middle of the notch fixed numbers, high numbers will be opposite of the low numbers at or under your discrimination setting.... The above works in any notch setting you choose..It's the fixed numbers only that are affected by notch.
Range............ #1 to # 65
Important..............ALL notch range settings have a set of fixed numbers. This is critical you understand the range for Low side and high side of targets.
1 to 7 is low side of iron ( 7 fixed settings)
8 to 15 is High side of iron ( 7 fixed settings)
16 to 20 Low side of foil ( 5 fixed settings)
21 to 25 High side of foil ( 5 fixed settings)
26 to 30 Low side of nickles (5 fixed settings)
31 to 35 High side of nickles (5 fixed settings)
36 to 45 low side of tabs (10 fixed settings)
46 to 55 High side of tabs (10 fixed settings)
56 to 60 Low side of zinc pennies (5 fixed settings)
61 to 65 High side of zinc pennies( 5 fixed settings)
If you choose to set notch on any number above 1 through 65, [size=medium]Low,[/size] or [size=medium]High[/size] side of notch fixed settings ( does not matter which you use) only the fixed setting range for the set of numbers fixed by the factory will be affected. 1/2 of the value for the target range will be effected.Either the high or the low side.
[size=medium]Example: your running Discrimination at 50[/size].............you decide you want to maybe find some small gold rings. Go to notch and press menu. Turn knob to the number 16, 17, 18, 19, or 20.. press menu. You just notched in the low side of foil.. Fixed by the factory # 16-17-18-19-and 20....( See above range) You just changed all 5 numbers to accept by using notch You will now get beeps on the lower half of foil targets... Notch is always just the opposite of Discrimination. You will now see a small dash on the top target range foil up above on display.To take the foil out again go to notch, press menu, turn knob to 16 and push menu. Notch is now gone. dash is removed from foil above.
[size=medium]Lower setting discrimination 23 example[/size]
Now say your discrimination is set at 23..you want to set notch at high foil side..go to notch, press menu, turn knob..set numbers to 21 with knob..Press menu.
You just notched in 21 22 23. [size=medium]24 and 25 is notched out[/size]. Why you ask..Simple notch is always just the opposite of discrimination..Your discrimination was set at 23... so 21 , 22, 23, was notched in......[size=medium]24, 25, was notched out[/size]. Remember the fixed set of notch numbers are always used..these were set by the factory...so all the fixed numbers were used.
It's really a nice system. It allows you to get rid of pesky pull tabs but still get some good targets too.
Remember the range numbers are set at fixed numbers in notch if you are running Discrimination in the middle of the notch fixed numbers, high numbers will be opposite of the low numbers at or under your discrimination setting.... The above works in any notch setting you choose..It's the fixed numbers only that are affected by notch.