I bought this Ace 350 in a pawn shop, They wanted $185 and I traded some Gold Jewelry I had found with my Whites Coinmaster pro. I had always wanted to try a Garrett, I had bought a pro pointer and love it. So I was really looking forward to using the Ace 350. Well My experience was not Good. I had a hard time getting a good signal, Most of the time it would be a one way signal. So I sent it to Garrett to see if maybe the Ace was faulty. they said it tested OK But they sent a new coil any way.In the mean time I bought a super sniper. well I got it back NO CHARGE
So I put on the sniper coil and went to a play ground. SAME PROBLEM I wish I could record how this thing sounds. Most signals are only one way, I have tried slowing down, turning 1/4 and Nothing seams to work. I really want to get a AT PRO or Gold But this 350 is really turning me against Garrett. I put the 6.5X9 back on it and give it one last try. If I can't get any better results it's off to E-Bay and hope I can get some of my money back I have spent on this Lemon.