<center><img src="http://www.wiredcafe.net/jbms/Stuff/1stboat.jpg"></center>
<font color="#ffffff">The Eddie Waxler out of Memphis TN, first boat to navigate the Tenn-Tom waterway. January 16, 1985, 1:06 in the morning at the Smithville, MS lock. Temperature 17 degrees with 30+ mph winds from Northwest. Canon 35 mm camera with 28 mm lens, Tri-X shot at 1600 and push processed, hand held at 1/15th of a second at 2.8. Pic isn't razor sharp because of conditions but sold hundreds of copies and was used extensively in newspapers and magazines.</font><body background="http://www.wiredcafe.net/jbms/Stuff/boatbg.gif">
<font color="#ffffff">The Eddie Waxler out of Memphis TN, first boat to navigate the Tenn-Tom waterway. January 16, 1985, 1:06 in the morning at the Smithville, MS lock. Temperature 17 degrees with 30+ mph winds from Northwest. Canon 35 mm camera with 28 mm lens, Tri-X shot at 1600 and push processed, hand held at 1/15th of a second at 2.8. Pic isn't razor sharp because of conditions but sold hundreds of copies and was used extensively in newspapers and magazines.</font><body background="http://www.wiredcafe.net/jbms/Stuff/boatbg.gif">