I have been in the hobby off and on for about 20 years.I do it for a while and it gets boring digging pull tabs and can slaw so I hang it up for a while then pick it up again. I do it for Two reasons.1. I have C.O.P.D. so I need to get out and get some exercise and 2. THE MONEY, I am not really into relic hunting. you have to dig to many holes and I get wended to quick. So I watch a lot of videos and there are some out there(I am a summing coin collectors) who get real anal about rubbing coins. The way I see it a coin had to go through a lot more abuse in a pocket with other coins than I am going to do just by rubbing the dirt off. Now I could see if I really applied a lot of pressure but just to wipe the dirt off to see the date, come on it's not like every silver coin is a big treasure .