Eric in RI
New member
Started off the day with an emergency service call about 50 miles away from home. Left the house at noon, finished the job by 2 and was at the pounded park by 3. I decided to go back to the section I hit a couple of days ago to see if I could get a few more oldies from the old dirt. Within the first hour I had the 1935-D buff. Went back to the truck at 4 to get a drink and warm up a bit. Went back to the section again and found another patch of old dirt. Had a choppy tone that bounced from high to mid tones. From about 4" came a 1909 Injun in nice shape. It fell onto my shovel as I was lifting the plug out of the hole. About 10ft away I was rewarded with the 1898 Injun. Then came an early wheatie, then the watch ring. Was freezing my butt off, its nearly dark and I start walking back to the truck. Stopped to dig a scratchy high tone that I thought for sure was a crushed bottlecap. Ended up digging the 1 cent store token. At first glance I thought it was a counter-stamped injun, but I will take the token! All in all, not a bad 3 hour hunt. HH!