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Norma Jean.................chapter 2



Now no one in his right mind is going to turn down a chance to go see ANNIE OAKLEY twill them 6-shooters around and prance around in her short leather skirt, no sir yeee ! I acepted the date and said I would meet her outside the movie house. No, she said, but that her Mother was going to drive us and come get us.........I WAS UPTOWN PICKKING COTTEN.
here I had a upper classmen picking me up on a date and bringing me home in a car, when every one else would be walking!
It had been the talk of our school all week about Annie Oakley coming to the Ritz theater on Sarurday and I like most 12 year olds were just a little excited. Norma Jean's Mom picked me up and I slid in beside that long legged girl. Why, she even had on a touch of lipstick and in those tight jeans of hers, she did look different all of a sudden. Norma's Mom liked me a lot but her Dad, was a President of a local town Bank and he acted like he did not like anyone unless they were rich or had a popular name.
For this presentation of John Wayne starring in the "Settlers", the kids were lined up with money in hand all the way up the street and around the corner when Norma's Mom pulled up to let us out. Then, we had to walk all the way to the end of the line, up the street. As, we walked she reached down and took a hold of my hand and gave me one of those funny looking grins as we walked by all the other kids. I tried to ignore her for I had to keep my image in front of all those guys from school and all the other grade schools were there also.
It did not matter that we would probably get in last for with her really thick glassess we would have to sit on either the first row or the second one for she could not see anywhere else. The movie house was packed as we made our way to the front and took our seats on the very front row, me on the outside and she on the second seat in. I could have harked and spit on the stage we were so close. I even had to lean my head back against the seat to be able to look up at the screen, but it would be the best seats in the house for the Annie Oakley presentation.
There on the stage was 2 rows on each side of the stage of ballons tied right beside each other all in different colors, looked to be about 12 on each side. Then there were some old bales of hay and some jack-o-lanterns with funny faces carved into them.
Annie Oakley back then was just about every young man's heart trob, for she was very cute and good looking, even though she was a lot older than we were. Annie, probably did not weigh a hundred pounds and not very tall, but she sure could twirl and shoot them 6-guns of hers. I hoped this would be part of her show.
Now something about Norma Jean I had not ever noticed before as I sat there looking around first at the crowd behind me as each seat filled up, but Norma was getting some ornaments on her!. I even thought they were cute and could not take my eyes off of them. She would catch me looking at the closest one, the right one and just give me smirky smile. I wanted to so bad reach out and touch one of them for up untill this time, I had allways thought she was skinny and flat-chested. If it had not been for her excellant personality and the way she treated everyone the same no matter who they were or what thier last name was, Norma would have been a geek. Or, in other words the girl that everybody picked on or made fun of, but her friendly ways made her very attentative to other people. she, got lots of attention and was a good student, making the honor roll all the time.
I caught her twisted around whispering to some girls in the rows behind us and those ornaments were real close to my left arm with her doing this and I looked at her face and she could not see me so I thought: I wonder if she will know that I touched one of them things. The adrenalin flowed up and down my spine as I got the nerve and with my index finger just lightly reached over and really meant to just lightly touch where it was pointed but just as my index finger got there to her white blouse,she turned her body back around in her seat and I got a hold of it more than I meant to. If she had not turned around I really think I would have not got caught.
Norma looked at me with a cold stare with her bottom jaw dropped. she just sat there starying a hole in me and if looks can kill someone. I was getting the full brigade. Then she done the strangest thing, she took both of her long fingered hands and reached for my face, placing a hand on each side of my face and I thought she was going to choke me, but she allof a sudden just pulled my face towards hers and planted a big "KISS" right on my lips and then the cheeks, the chin and my nose of all get out.
I know I turned 3 shades of beet red when she let go of me and leaned back in her seat. All the back rows had seen her do this and some were laughing and some were sending cat calls and some were even clapping. I knew not to turn around for her girl friends back there would be laughing at me. Just , as she started to say something the curtains opened and all the lights went out except for the spotlights on the stage.
Music went to playing like Ok corral, or shoot um up western style music. the curtains were nearly open and out she came......there was Ms Oakley and wow was she ever dressed nice.
Annie, came to the front of the stage with the big ear to ear smile she allways wore when on Television and welcomed everbody there. She looked right at Norma Jean and me sitting on the fron row. My heart fluttered a beat or too for if she would have taken another step she would have fallen off ther stage and into my lap. If, her leather frillssy skirt had not been so darn tight to her body, I could have gotten a glimpse of maybe her knees. But, her cowgirl boots went up under the skirt a preety good ways and the only skin showing on Annie that day was her face and hands. she was a true cowgirl in her dress and her voice was really high pitched for a cowgirl.
She told some corney jokes and said she would have to cut her presentation in half this week for she needed to get back to Little Rock for some serious family business and decided to come out before the main movie started and give her presentation of her spinning those pearl handled 6 shooters of hers.
Everything would have been cool up to this point but there must have been some trash in the alley onfire for all of a sudden I could smell something like rotten eggs or soured garlic but it did not last long. I soon forgot the smell as Annie started her performance.
Annie went over to a table that had a big suitcase on it and opened it up. This was where the guns were and wow were they shure enogh preety as she straped them on. The leather holsters was darker tanned than her frilly laced outfit and she buckled them to her waist. then the spot lights went right on Annie Oakley as she started prancing around on stage, first this way and then back the other way with her palms of her hands on the pearl handles. She sashed over with a little scooting danceing jig and stopped right in front of me and Norma again. I saw a "Flash", is all I saw for Annie had drawn those pearl handled 6 shooters so fast I never saw them leave the holsters.
I was mouth wide open amazed at how fast she was. then she twirled them each both forward and backwards and then holstered them without taking her eyes off the crowd of kids. quite impressive she was and started her bootscooting little dance again and drew theose guns out at lighting speed and went to twirling them so fast I could not even tell they were 6 shooters.
One of the guns was going one way and the other was in reverse. Darn, she is good and looked over at Norma Jean and she was green eyed wide attention and had a cute smile on her lips as she watched Annie dance first this was twirling them guns real fast and then turning her back to the crowd she suddenly stopped, holstered the guns, turned towards one row of ballons and drew those guns with lighting speed and fired 2 shots....."BAM-BAM", and 2 ballons blew out.
It was utter stillness in the movie house, for Annie had ever kid in there that Saturday afternoon 's attention. She started her dancing around routine again and stopped in front of the other row of ballons and never quit twirling them 6 guns this time, they just seemed to stop where she wanted them to in her hands and fired 2 more shots..."BAM-BAM went the pearl handled revolvers and 2 more ballons went out.
I was amazed at how they let her use live bullets in front of a crowd of kids. I know my eyes had to been as big as alien space ships for I was totally into Annie Oakley at that time and watched as she dropped down to one kneee in front of the other set of balloons and fired one revolver real fast, hitting the hammer with her other hand......bam-bam-bam-bam, it went and 4 ballons blew out.....
Norma Jean elbowed me and looked me in the eyes and leaned over and whispered in my ear.....She, is out of bullets in that gun. I had not payed attention and counted back and sure enough she had to be out of bullets in that one 6 shooter. We both watched as Annie went back into her routine a prancing around twirling those guns back and forth as she danced and scooted, back and forth, back and forth and was very impressive, untill she drew those guns so fast she dropped the empty one on the stage and it went "BAM"! really loudly "BAM" and 6 ballons went out.
Luckly that 6 shooter barell was pointed away from the crowd of kids when it was dropped on the stagebut then Norma reminded me with a hushing whisper that was the gun that had done shot 6 times before. Frowning I looked at her and thought well she was right, but whispered back how did one shot blow out 6 ballons...and then that gosh awfull smell appeared again.......this, time only rough. It smelled of burnt onions and a pot of beans that had boiled dry
Annie soon after dropping the 6-shooter finished up her presentation and wished everybody good wishes and before the movie was to start there would be a refreshement break. Annie had been on stage a good 30 minutes or so and it was real good untill she dropped that beautifull 6 shooter.
Norma Jean, stood up right in front of her seat and started to clapping at Annie's performance and the rest of the kids did like wise aftertaking Norma's lead. The main lights came back on as the curtain closed and the clapping stopped.
Norma turned around and bent over her seat reaching for a small handbag called a clutch she had with her, but as she bent over, Norma Jean, this was not no slipper outer or one that slips up on was a full fledged with honores Sailor fart.........varoooooooooooooooooom, A rip snorter in my book and the smell of the things came back to my mind,.......I tried to breathe thru my mouth for after living on the farm one learns to hold thier breathe and breath thru thier mouth.
I swear I got so tickled at Norma for she was just killed and totally embarresed for several of the other kids heard it to and were giggling, untill the smell hit them and for the back several rows it was a clean house........the more I laughed, the more Norma got mad..........and the madder she got, the more I laughed, I had tears running down my cheeks
There we stood side beside each other with my laughter slowly dying down with the embarressement of my friend and I could see she was hurt. I reached down and took her hand and pulled it up to my face and lightly kissed the back of her hand be cont'd
herself in to some real trouble! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
and at age twelve, you were a real romeo! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
Can't wait till the next Chapter. <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":)">
or forgetting to take her Beano before going out with him to the movies! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
my memories of that age follow exactly the situation you described so hilariously <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
There has always been a logical theory about Annie Oakly and her guns <img src="/metal/html/grin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":grin"> i'll wait.....
Awesome story Butch!
Mary was on the other side and just me and an old lady standing on the other. This old gal dumped a fart that any young boy would have been proud of, right up against my dang leg! She didn't let on like she ever knew it. I had to leave because I got to laughing and Mary heard it and balmed me for it. Hell, I would have been proud to claim the dang thing!!!
You got a good one going here Butch
fart and a lady does not swear and if she didn't bitch, she would bust!!
That explains a lot <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
You should have been a gentleman and took the blame for that stinker.... <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
You got me hooked got a dang good one goin'! Can't wait for the next episode!