Yep, that's the one. Various models from like 8khz on up to suit your needs. I'm more interested in the 8khz model for deep silver/copper and also to penetrate my mineralized soils and sands. All single frequency machines above about 8khz in my soil/sands got lousy depth and stability, and I don't care much for fine gold (thin chains or tiny earings) sensitivity as that makes for a bumpy ride. Minelabs for instance, ain't sensitivity to that tiny stuff but they'll still bang super deep on even the thinnest of gold rings due to them being an intact loop, presenting a large image to the detection field, so that's all I care about when gold hunting for the most part- rings.
Beyond that, I want great depth and penetration for silver/copper coins in a machine. Got all that right now, but I'll live without the tone alerts or VDI if the machine is punching even deeper for that stuff and is at a reasonable price. Won't replace my current machine for most days/public sites, but at private spots the lack of discrimination above foil or tone alerts I can do without, as then digging a bunch of super deep holes isn't so much an issue (land owner permitting of course). I see it as a speciality machine, like using a PI or the PI-like depth of pin point mode on the Excal/GT, which does some pretty remarkable stuff in both depth and ability to cut through minerals.
Those Vista units seem (I think?) reasonably priced too from what I'm hearing. I read of some field testing elsewhere and the guy who is doing it has no ax to grind. He just has a history of buying and testing just about every machine he can get his hands on. I've done a bunch of that myself in the past as finances permitted but lately they haven't so I've stopped "sampling the wine" as of late. Pretty happy where I'm at right now anyway.
By the way, I haven't read heavily into these units yet as time hasn't permitted. Just what I've seen so far from independent sources seems interesting and promising so far. But I think these are newer versions of prior models in some cases with some performance factors increased if I read that right. I think the one I've been reading the testing on is the latest version of those models (each carries a different frequency in the line up) but I might have the details wrong on that. Too much skimming due to lack of time and not enough reading. Can't wait to curl up to the fireplace with the print out of the thread I ran across and read in detail...