Hi Folks,
Diggerbeginner posted this on the continuous signal thread and a couple of us thought it might deserve it's own thread.....Boony
Re: Explorer II Continuous Signals
Posted by: DIGGERBEGINNER <Send a PM> (24.192.121.---)
Posts: 1
Date: February 08, 2006 11:08PM
Talked to Mine Lab they said we are all Noise cancelling wrong! It was a mistake made by the author of the manual and never changed. Holding it on the ground in a clear space is for ground balancing on other machines not the purpose for a new revolutionized Explorer...the author just did not take into account..... Noise cancelling is for the electrical waves in the air not ground balancing! This machine automatically ground balances....To Noise cancel correctly hold the detector waist high...parallel to the ground and cancel. You can move around but keep it parallel to the ground. Makes a big difference! Another point is when using the probe before pin pointing try holding the probe up in the air then hit noise cancel....your pin pointing will amaze you, but you will have to Noise cancel again when switching back to the coil. Also remember to Noise cancel each time you make a program change or move closer or farther away from power lines. John Harvey (DiggerBeginner)
Diggerbeginner posted this on the continuous signal thread and a couple of us thought it might deserve it's own thread.....Boony
Re: Explorer II Continuous Signals
Posted by: DIGGERBEGINNER <Send a PM> (24.192.121.---)
Posts: 1
Date: February 08, 2006 11:08PM
Talked to Mine Lab they said we are all Noise cancelling wrong! It was a mistake made by the author of the manual and never changed. Holding it on the ground in a clear space is for ground balancing on other machines not the purpose for a new revolutionized Explorer...the author just did not take into account..... Noise cancelling is for the electrical waves in the air not ground balancing! This machine automatically ground balances....To Noise cancel correctly hold the detector waist high...parallel to the ground and cancel. You can move around but keep it parallel to the ground. Makes a big difference! Another point is when using the probe before pin pointing try holding the probe up in the air then hit noise cancel....your pin pointing will amaze you, but you will have to Noise cancel again when switching back to the coil. Also remember to Noise cancel each time you make a program change or move closer or farther away from power lines. John Harvey (DiggerBeginner)