Glenn and All, here is one that may be of interest. I tested the old quarter I have had in the ground for years with different noise cancel channels. The digital readings and crosshairs change locations and numbers depending on the channel. The best and highest reading were obtained when I used the channel selected by Auto Noise Cancel. The conductivity would vary from as low as 23 to a high of 29, 28. Ferrous reading would vary from 00 to 2 with 0/29 being the best at the channel selected by Audio Noise Cancel which was channel 5. I was wondering why the readings would be different from one user to the other on the same targets and this may account for some of that.
The bottom line to me is the importance of noise cancel at different sites or if there is external EMI. I also used noise cancel right over iron and a coin to see if this would cause a different channel to be selected and it did. A noise cancel over iron caused channel 10 to be selected and over a coin moved the channel from 5 to 4. I am not sure what all this means but will think about this for a while.
HH, Cody
The bottom line to me is the importance of noise cancel at different sites or if there is external EMI. I also used noise cancel right over iron and a coin to see if this would cause a different channel to be selected and it did. A noise cancel over iron caused channel 10 to be selected and over a coin moved the channel from 5 to 4. I am not sure what all this means but will think about this for a while.
HH, Cody