New member
Made my way down the beach area yesterday morning. After not being able to sleep the night before and this is why.... On one of my last targets out at neck deep water from the day before, I got a signal that made me dig for about 15 minutes... it was deep... After stiring up the mud, and not being able to see to begin with... the water clarity was zero. I did manage to get the target in the scoop, or at least on the tip of it, made a dash for it, and it slipped away off the edge into the depths... Forever lost? I searched another 15 minutes and couldn't find it... I knew it was a ring, and I knew it was gold.... Man was I beside myself... I work to hard to find that kind of stuff... I just couldn't let it go... All night long, I pondered over it... sulking like a baby, I gathered my thoughts, and said I'm going to get it no matter what....took off bright and early and waited for the rite tide.. I was early and you can see why... I just needed to get it clipped onto my ring clip... Out into the water I went found a couple sinkers, a few coins and just as the tide was low enough I was where I was the day before. BANK a signal out deep and I looked down and rite on top was a nice Gold ring, didn't even have to dig... I knew it was what slipped off my scoop a day before... Thank You to the Gold Gods... Now I can sleep tonight...I had a few more bullets, and some Kast Masters... One small ear ring stud that was sterling silver, and about half way in another Gold Ring with the stone missing this time... I am on an Emerald streak.... It was close to the other one I found the other day... wonder if they both were lost by the same person... ?