Where I was living last year, we only had 3.31" of wet from January 1st thru October 15th when I moved to my home here in Vale, Oregon. Here, the 'average' December gets only 5.6" of snow, but we had a little over 7". This month we have had about 5", but most of it went fast and now the bulk of our snow is gone. Between a few rain showers and plenty of sun breaks, the ground is being exposed and that means maybe in a month we might be able to head up into the closest hills to some old gold mining town sites. Might not be until mid-to-late March, and I can't wait.
I should be headed out by the end of next week to get some field time in and evaluations done on my FORS Gold+ and Gold Racer, and will likely be heading towards Arizona. It all depends upon the weather and site conditions. I have considered California, but I usually travel with a companion or two, not counting my dog Miss Rikki, that California frowns on.
I do enjoy the Gold+ as I have had a chance to work it at some Relic Hunting locations a bit before cold and snow, and even worked in some detecting time this past few days with it over in Idaho where it has bare dirt. I'm taking my FORS CoRe along as well, naturally, and plan to do some comparisons of located targets between the 15 kHz CoRe and 19 kHz Gold+, too.
All the best of success when you get out to your site again.