OK, I'm in northern MA at my Mom-In-Law's camp next to a small lake. Barb's (my wife) cousin's wife tells me that our neighbor's son lost his $2000 platinum wedding ring off their dock four years ago (topic came up during metal detecting talk). I have never done any water hunting before, but here am I, the potential hero. I donned a mask, snorkel , AT Pro waterproof headphones, and the 8"x11" coil, and set to work in about 3-5 feet water with a sandy bottom. After 1 hour of sifting through a 1956 Wheatie, (4) .22 shells, and a 1965 clad dime, I get this 43-52 reading. I dug, swung, dug, swung...you get tbe waterlogged picture, and out pops this ring. Of course people were looking, and I let out a "woo hoo" that echoed across the lake. I am telling you folks, I am on Cloud Nine! Nothing beats this! It was the most gorgeous wedding ring and he has it back! No Facebook post, Tweet, Twit, or Twat, can change the excitment I feel. Picture a huge silver-like ring. AT Pro, underwater, is the way to go!