New member
Got out with the ATP for an hour or so today.
Neighbors house built in 1908. Pretty friendly fella working on a
Remodel for his son to live in...got to talking..
Got the ok to detect his yard...
Front yard pretty small
But I managed two 1919 wheats
One 1944 wheat.......couple quarters... five dimes..(just clad)..and
Two nickles .......also a 3006 bullet......handful of zincolins few real pennies
Running Pro Zero....iron disc on 30
Sensitivity down two bars. Auto grnd. Balanced in at 86
Second nickel. Underneath a big fat aluminum , two inch nail!!! Wow
Nail at two inches deep......Nickel. At three inches deep
Target ID did bounce. A little from 50...51....50....52...
But still sounded good
I'm continually impressed !!
I'm sorry I don't throw any pics. Up here yet....haven't upgraded my laptop yet
(Adding 5x8dd to the atp first....lol!)
HaloEffect426. :^)

Neighbors house built in 1908. Pretty friendly fella working on a
Remodel for his son to live in...got to talking..
Got the ok to detect his yard...
Front yard pretty small
But I managed two 1919 wheats
One 1944 wheat.......couple quarters... five dimes..(just clad)..and
Two nickles .......also a 3006 bullet......handful of zincolins few real pennies
Running Pro Zero....iron disc on 30
Sensitivity down two bars. Auto grnd. Balanced in at 86
Second nickel. Underneath a big fat aluminum , two inch nail!!! Wow
Nail at two inches deep......Nickel. At three inches deep
Target ID did bounce. A little from 50...51....50....52...
But still sounded good
I'm continually impressed !!
I'm sorry I don't throw any pics. Up here yet....haven't upgraded my laptop yet
(Adding 5x8dd to the atp first....lol!)
HaloEffect426. :^)