Well, yesterday's IH bonanza was seemingly hard to top, but my buddy and I headed back out today... Very rough start, and by lunchtime we hadn't found much of anything, and were already hot, tired, and a little frustrated. However, things picked up, and in the last two hours of daylight, the coins finally started coming. The first I got was the buff, the second read as a nickel signal but looked so toasted I didn't really think much of it. Third coin was in better shape - all I saw was the 5 surrounded by stars and thought it must have been a token of some kind. Last target was yet another IH, too toasted to get a date. We stopped at another spot on the way home, got pretty much nothing, but I dug a '76 Jefferson nickel, again thinking nothing of it. Well when we got home we started brushing and cleaning - I wanted to figure out what my token was... then I saw 1868 appear, went to the web, and realized it was a Shield nickel! A big first for me! After more brushing on the next coin, stars appeared and I realized I was looking at my first ever V Nickel, this one a 1910! That's when it dawned on me that I had dug all four of the major nickels in one day. It is a feat I will probably never repeat, and a day of digging I will never forget. Having two days in a row of awesome hunting with a great friend - doesn't get much better... Cheers! BB Oh, and BTW, this is all with the Delta 4000 and the 11" DD coil, deepest target 9 inches, sens 11, only iron nulled out.