but it's only 10K, stone is purple, two small diamonds. Found it at a 1960's school. Went there today with Dave, my detecting buddy. In the past he found some early 1800's pennies there but we found nothing old today. So I wandered over to the tot lot and got just one signal, this ring. No other signals. Someone is hunting this tot lot, but I just happened to be there on the right day. Dave brought his backup detector, a Garrett GTI 1500. I tried it for about half hour to compare it to my Cortes. The first thing I noticed is the weight, heavier than the Tesoro. I did like the imaging display, it shows the size of the target when the pinpoint button is pressed. The bell tone I"m not sure I like. All in all, not a bad detector, but I like the Cortes way more, seems to give a better signal. Both are priced $679. I bought a 7 inch widescan coil, received it today. The cord is a full 94 inches long, the cord on the 9 x 8 stock coil is 44 inches, just the right length. The extra 50 inches adds extra weight, I will call the dealer to see if all the 7 inch widescans are like that. HH, Jabbo