Found this in the trashy yard of a colonial homesite I hit this weekend. Was one of those shallow "soda can" signals that I almost passed up. I'm no relic expert, but believe this is the wreath portion of a 2-piece confederate state buckle (54 mm across the wreath). I have not attemped to do much cleaning, and will probably just leave as is. I hope to maybe return to the site at some point and look for the matching tongue.
<img src="http://www.findmall.com/gallery/albums/userpics/11164/CSbuckle3.jpg">
<img src="http://www.findmall.com/gallery/albums/userpics/11164/CSbuckle4.jpg">
<img src="http://www.findmall.com/gallery/albums/userpics/11164/CSbuckle3.jpg">
<img src="http://www.findmall.com/gallery/albums/userpics/11164/CSbuckle4.jpg">