I've used it in places where I didn't want to dig large targets. Set the blanking to it's most shallow setting and raise the coil a bit higher off the ground than that setting.. bye bye cans and buried tire rims and other assorted garbage. Yup, I can hear it now; 'You're just walkin' over treasure'.. yup, I'll miss stuff, but that's my decision. If I want to waste time digging cans at 12" in cement-like ground I'll do so, otherwise it's cherry picking time. An example would be when my buddy Cliff and I where hunting a ghost town with a truly tremendous amount of trash and a lot of it in duff laced with roots; really nasty digging. His MXT was honkin' away like a sick goose hopped up on meth while often overloading on the plethora of larger surface trash. At the time, I had a GTA 1000 (if I remember correctly) and, with the surface blanking set to minimum, had a pretty quiet time of it. We were only there for a few hours and had roughly the same amount of finds ('cept I might have found a slug of platinum.. gotta check it out), but he'd made like a human back-hoe and was pretty worn out.
Anyway, just wanted to illustrate a situation where surface blanking could come in handy.. though not in a conventional manner. ..Willy.